Pitt in Munich


This program consists of 4 weeks of intensive German language study and a culture course taught in English.Classes will be taught in 2 2-week blocks with one week in between for cultural activities and excursions in and around Munich, the capital of Bavaria.
NOTE: Students are required to have taken at least 2 semesters of college-level German in order to be eligible to participate.

What You'll Accomplish: 

* Improve your German language proficiency through language courses taught by Goethe-Institut staff.
* Learn about important events and sites in Munich and Bavaria and analyze them in their historical, cultural and social context.
* Engage with an increasingly diverse Munich not only in class and during program excursions but also as you learn to navigate the city on your own, gaining intercultural competence.

Munich is the capital city of the state of Bavaria, the largest in Germany. Munich is home to major universities, museums, theatres and historical landmarks. The city is best known for its international soccer team Bayer-Muenchen and its annual Oktoberfest.

Where You'll Live: 
  • ​You will be housed  in a clean, modern Guesthouse within the city limits with easy access to public transportation; average commute is under one hour
  • You will live in a double room with en suite bath
  • You will be provided with linens
  • On-site cafeteria provides two meals per day Monday through Friday (cost included in program fee); limited cooking facilities available on-site.
What You'll Study: 

 Need to fulfill a general education requirement?  The required course German 0058 can fulfill a Social Science, Specific Geographic Region or Literature gen-ed requirement. Speak to your Program Manager for more specific details about gen-ed requirements.

Munich: History, Culture, Myth (GER0058)
Continuing German Abroad (GER1901)

Host institution is the Goethe-Institut Munich, located in the Haidhausen neighborhood close to downtown Munich.

Your Pitt Study Abroad Contacts: 

Leslie Ann Smedley

Hello Students! I am Leslie Ann Smedley, Senior Advisor and look forward to helping Arts and Sciences students to identify, apply for, and thrive in the study abroad program that fits each students’ academic/linguistic/cultural needs. I have been in the field of International Education for many years, including the last 10 in the Global Experiences Office. I am a Pittsburgher who studied abroad in Strasbourg, France while an undergrad and haven’t stopped travelling since. In addition to being passionate about discovering new places, I love to cook, garden and read. I look forward to helping you to achieve your goals!

Schedule an appointment

Schedule an appointment with me using Pathways!
Having trouble or don't see a time that works for you? Just email me!

Your In-Country Contacts: 

Viktoria Harms

Viktoria Harms is the language program coordinator and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the German Department at Pitt. She grew up in Germany and has first-hand experience of the potentially life-changing impact of studying abroad: she originally came to the University of Washington in Seattle as an exchange student for one year, but quickly decided to extend her stay, and has now been teaching German language, literature and culture in the U.S. for over 20 years. She co-led the Pitt in Munich program since 2023 and looks forward to returning in this role in the future.

Items Billed by Pitt

  In-State Out-of-State
Program Cost $5899 $6099
Study Abroad Fee $300 $300
Total Billed by Pitt $6199 $6399

Estimated Additional Out-of-Pocket Costs

Airfare $2,000
Meals and Personal Expenses $1000
In-country transportation $100

Remember that your lifestyle and spending choices can greatly affect the amount of money you'll need while abroad. Visit our Budgeting page for more information.

What's Included: 

As a part of your program fee, the following are included:

  • Tuition for 6 credits
  • Housing in a local guesthouse plus 2 meals/day Mon-Fri
  • Placement tests upon arrival and departure
  • International travel health insurance
  • Cultural programs including relevant excursions


What Else You Need to Know: 

The program is open to students who have taken at least 2 semesters of German (or equivalent) and are at least 18 years of age by the term of participation.
Students will be required to make a 50 Euro refundable housing deposit and a 10 Euro internet deposit. These fees are subject to change and will be updated as necessary.